Saturday 11 February 2012


p/s:sangat comel . sangat sweet . bila bosan. aku mula merepek :']

Saturday 28 January 2012

 as salam y'all..
hye..dah lama saya tak update blog~~~
finally~~~ can babeh!!
dulu saya cakap saya tak akan update blog until spm end up right.??
biasa la..manusia..jarang yang cakap lepas tu buat..saya termasuk dalam golongan cakap tapi tak buat (that's me!!)err..kadang lah..
oke..saya update blog ni bukannya sebab apa..
mestilah SESAJA je..heeeeee.. (rosak bahasa)..
as all of you know, setiap student yg ada kat sekolah menengah kene buat oral test kan??oral test tu ape?? ujian lisan tu before  holiday for chinese new year, mr. SAH told us that we have to find the suitable material for oral test *dang..
err..tajuk apa nk bila fikir punya fikir jumpa la satu article ni pasal penyakit yang jarang2 saya dengar..what's it???
jom..baca penyakit ni pasal apa..

Systemic lupus erythematosus

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a long-term autoimmune disorder that may affect the skin, joints, kidneys, brain, and other organs.


Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease, which means the body's immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue. This leads to long-term (chronic) inflammation.
The underlying cause of autoimmune diseases is not fully known.
SLE is much more common in women than men. It may occur at any age, but appears most often in people between the ages of 10 and 50. African Americans and Asians are affected more often than people from other races.


Symptoms vary from person to person, and may come and go. Almost everyone with SLE has joint pain and swelling. Some develop arthritis. Frequently affected joints are the fingers, hands, wrists, and knees.
Other common symptoms include:
  • Chest pain when taking a deep breath
  • Fatigue
  • Fever with no other cause
  • General discomfort, uneasiness, or ill feeling (malaise)
  • Hair loss
  • Mouth sores
  • Sensitivity to sunlight
  • Skin rash -- a "butterfly" rash over the cheeks and bridge of the nose affects about half of people with SLE. The rash gets worse in sunlight. The rash may also be widespread.
  • Swollen lymph nodes
Other symptoms depend on what part of the body is affected:
  • Brain and nervous system: headaches, numbness, tingling, seizures, vision problems, personality changes
  • Digestive tract: abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting
  • Heart: abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias)
  • Lung: coughing up blood and difficulty breathing
  • Skin: patchy skin color, fingers that change color when cold (Raynaud's phenomenon)
Some patients only have skin symptoms. This is called discoid lupus.

Exams and Tests

To be diagnosed with lupus, you must have 4 out of 11 typical signs of the disease.
Your doctor will perform a physical exam and listen to your chest with a stethoscope. An abnormal sound called a heart friction rub or pleural friction rub may be heard. A nervous system exam will also be done.
Tests used to diagnose SLE may include:
This disease may also alter the results of the following tests:
This list is not all inclusive.


There is no cure for SLE. The goal of treatment is to control symptoms.
Mild disease may be treated with:
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) treat arthritis and pleurisy
  • Corticosteroid creams to treat skin rashes
  • An antimalaria drug (hydroxychloroquine) and low-dose corticosteroids for skin and arthritis symptoms
You should wear protective clothing, sunglasses, and sunscreen when in the sun.
Severe or life-threatening symptoms (such as hemolytic anemia, extensive heart or lung involvement, kidney disease, or central nervous system involvement) often require more aggressive treatment by doctor specialists.
Treatment for more severe lupus may include:
  • High-dose corticosteroids or medications to decrease the immune system response
  • Cytotoxic drugs (drugs that block cell growth) if you do not get better with corticosteroids, or whose symptoms get worse when the stop taking them. These medicine have serious, severe side effects. You should be closely monitored by your doctor.
If you have lupus, it is also important to have:
  • Preventive heart care
  • Up-to-date immunizations
  • Tests to screen for thinning of the bones (osteoporosis)
Talk therapy and support groups may help relieve depression and mood changes that may occur in patients with this disease.

(ini lah gambar orang yang kena penyakit SLE ni)

nak tau tak macam mana saya boleh jumpa article pasal SLE disease ni??yeah..that's correct..dalam STANZA CINTA

and the novel


lagipun.. cita-cita saya nak jadi DOCTOR..thats why la saya suka sangat cari pasal disease ni..

p/s : wish me luck for oral test soon :)

Tuesday 3 January 2012

bye2 blog, bye2 facebook, bye2 twitter :'(

 as salam and hye readers..
maybe..this is my post..
after more blog, no more facebook , no more twitter..
wanna concentrate on my study..
spm???  its just around the corner.. salam..
i luv you always..

Saturday 31 December 2011

al-fatihah for farid :'(

as salam blog...hari ni aku nk cerita kat kau..
memang sangat lah sedih sekarang ni..
semalam , kawan aku, farid iwadh, meninggal sebab accident..
oke..kalau korang nak tahu , arwah kawan aku ni sangatlah HAPPY GO LUCKY orangnya..
walaupun aku tak berapa closed dengan arwah ni..
tiap kali aku pergi koperasi skolah.. mseti dia tegur, lpas tu mesti layan 'customers' dia dgn sangatlah baik..
tak percaya.. tanya la kawan2 dia..smpai aku pun yg tak berapa close dgn dia pun , tiap kali aku pergi koperasi mesti akan buat aku gelak punya... terima kasih farid :)
                                                 ( ni gambar last arwah farid dengan mastura)

Farid, tenanglah kau di sana ya..kau memang kawan yang memang sangat menyenangkan dan baik hati..walaupun kita tak berapa rapat kan???kau memanglah kawan yang baik..walaupun kau dah tak ada lagi kat muka bumi ini lagi, tapi kau tetap ada kat hati kawan-kawan kau .. percayalah... insyaAllah..akan kami titipkan doa buat kau di sana supaya tenang sentiasa... Al-Fatihah

Wednesday 28 December 2011

hello....hypss...assalammualaikum all.. :)

hye..rindu nya dgn kau blog..swear!!! hahaoke..korang tgk gamba yg ada kat atas tu mesti korang tau tu movie apa kan???bagi yang tak tau biar aku bagi tau !!! TITANIC la...its was freaking awesome movie weyh..oke2..bukannya aku nk citer apepown..lagi beberapa hari dah mak masuk 2012 kan??sooo dah sedia??? apa azam korang ?? dan next year jugak aku one of the SPM's candidates weyh!!! what???spm????  seriously..i'm not ready at all..mama!!! aku tak sesia langsung..rasa sekejap sangat mase kat form 4 duli..and now aku dah nk masuk form 5 and then SPM!!!wohoo..oke2 lah.. NADIAH, kau nak spm kan??? kau nak jadi doktor kan??? kau nak banggakan mama dengan ayah kau kan??? sooo..ape kau tunggu lagi..pergi la baca buku tu..BIOLOGY.PHYSICS ADDMATHS ,CHEMISTRY kau mesti pro , oke nadiah??? subject lain polishkan lagi..then kau boleh??huh!!! banyak la..semua subjek aku tunggang-langgang lagi tau!! seriously, aku tak pandai..tapi aku nk jadi doktor..tapi kalu aku tak berusaha aku takkan dapat apa yang aku nak kan??? can do it bebeh :)

Thursday 22 December 2011

kbye :'(

acc.facebook aku dah deactive !!! handphone dah tukar     ( cett...poyo) , skolah nk bukak, aku tak bace satu hapak pun lagi.. lainlah bagi budak yg baik , blog malas la pulak aku nk update n nth hape2 lagi ... kbye .. as salam :)

Monday 12 December 2011

mereka TEMAN - TEMAN saya :D

                                                                    anis jamilah

first, comel kan budak ni???sape stuju???angkat tangan...mcm la ramai sangat nak bace blog aku..whooo...whatever..
oke, nk citer macam mana aku mula2 kenal budak comel ni...anis ni, baru masuk skolah aku..tak silap last year... lps day ni..aku gila2 ade msalah sbb nk crik gamba utk keje kh mcm tu la..pastu aku tak ingat la sama ada aku jumpa n mintak tolong dia or ade orang lain yg suggest kan...ouh...tak kesah la. kan...n u know what masalah utk kerja kh aku slesai nok sbb budak  comel ni tolong carikkan gamba n then siap printkan lagi tau..ouhh..baikkan???tq  sooo muchiee anis, sayang.. skarang ni cuti akhir tahun kan??aku paling rindu nk dgr dia menjerit...seriously.....utk, anis sayang, nnti bila bukak skolah jerit kat pangkal telinga nad tau sbb nad rindu nk dgr jeritan awak...ehekks..

  (intan syakinah)

mole!!!! yeah..korang tau ape itu mole???mole tu taik lalat la...oke2...sori intan...tak brmaksud nk ejek kau..oke sorang lagi kawan aku...dia ni mmg la sgt2 talkative..n kalu aku bcakap dgn dia mmg takkan pernah menang...yekee tak pernah menang...pfffft*oke dia ni kiranya peminat tegar JB ... tau JB tu ape..justin bieber la..sape lagi kan..kiranya dia dgn ada lagi sorang kawan aku ni kalu aku kutuk JB dorang..mesti dorang akan marah punya la..mole, jujurnya..aku sgt sukalah bkawan dgn kau..kau bijak walaupun kkadang agak kelam kabut ke??what ever..n one more thing, arap2 kau tak meyesal or ape2 ke bila kau kawa gn aku ea...syg kau ketot...a k u k u t u k k a u l a g i e a ? kau ingat MA, CS ngn CK??? sume tu..kite je kan yg tahu..haha

      (farhana nabilah)

hye adik comell...oke..tak payah comel..tapi adik kiut..choyy..jeles budak farhana ni sbenarnya kwan aku dari sekolah rendah lagi..rasenya dah kenal sbelum msuk skolah rendah lagi..sbb dulu ayah dia gn mak aku keje kat skolah yg same...hihihi..budak kiut ni time f1 sekelas dgn aku pastu f2 ngn f3 bpisah and now f4 skelas balik ... haha...budak kiut, awak belajar rajin2 tau..t dpt result bagus awk boleh dapat ape yg awk nk kan...????oke syg..i luv you..

     (amirah anis afina)

budak ayu and always ayu ...mmg ayu kan budak ni????anis!!! aku syg kau ketat -ketat... budak ayu ni dah jauh dgb aku...dia dah pindah seremban..huhuk :'( .. huuuuuuu...sgtla more sedih2 must go on..adik manis,awak pun same, blaja smpai pandai tau..bukan ke kau mmg pandai ke??? apela aku ni..n kejar impian kau..oke..mane la tau satu hari nnti kalu ade umur kita jumpa lgi..nth2 time tu kau dah berjaya..ouh..banggenya aku ade kawan mcm kau...haha..oke anis afina sayang..i luv you soo muchiee..

         (asma nurquraisyah)
asma a.k.a katik....budak yg sentiasa mngekalkan kcomelannya...comel kan???muke putih mcm amoi..skali tgk mcm ank orang cina kan. asma, budak ni mmg bijak aku ckp kau..seriously.. mmg slalunya subject chemist , add math n math mmg aku takkan dpt beat dia la.... takpe2..t aku blajar rerajin..aku beat kau pulak ea..haha..cita2 kau nk jagi preka fesyen kan??? kalau  tak silap aku... takpe2..ape2 pun cita2 kau aku sokong ye adik comel..haha.. t kau bila kau dah jadi pereka fesyen yg tkenal jgn lupa aku tau..fuhhh..perasann** oke, good luck ea utk hidup kau ye adik comell :D                                      
     (nabilah mohammad)
 breces girl!!!! alala..tak nmpak la breces dia..takpe2 comel ttp comel kan????haha.. ini budak sudah pindak ttj..pindah skolah teknik..hye budak bie..asal la kau pndah kan???tgk..tak de dah datin kat skolah tu and pminat DONUT yg setia kan??suka tgk kau gelak ,,, comel..hahaha..kau jangan lupa aku tau..buhaha

         (aliah nabilla rahim)
peembekal novel yang berjaya!!! haha..budak tinggi lampai ni , mmg la pmbekal novel yg berjaya..seriously..bila  exam habis je..mesti akan banyak la novel yg ade ... sape pembekal dia??kau la kan aliah...betul kan??? budak aliah ni mmg agak outspoken sket..ckp kira main lepas je la..takpe...walaupun kau mcm tu aku ttp suka kau tau..jgn lupa tu..

oke kawan2 semua,  i luv you sooo muchiee..aku tau dulu kita pernah ada crisis kan????takpe..krisis tu la, bagi aku buat kita lebih rapat kan???oke.. utk kengkawan yg lain...bukan nya aku tak nk tulis tapi jari aku dah letih la..maaf ya??? walaupun korang takde kat dlm ni, tapi korang ttp ade dlm hati aku..n i wish u gud luck to all of you syg...jgn lupakan aku tau..harap2 korang tak lupa aku la bila skolah dah habis nanti ea..i luv you sooooooo much :)